So these are some of the pictures from some big feasts that we have had lately. The first two are from a funeral on Rabi recently. We got invited to a funeral which on Rabi is a celebration, never anything really sad. They killed a few pigs and we just had this giant feast! Man it was sooooo good and so much fun!
It's not every day you see your Branch president holding a pig's head... hahahaha
Elder Alonzo's farewell dinner with some members because he thought he was going to leave but it was kind of awkward when he didn't....... hahaha
When a few Elders came out to see Rabi and the big meal we had there! All fun stuff!!!
As you guys know we travel to and from Rabi on a small fishing boat. So this is my usual spot to sit, on the very front of the boat because it's the most fun and bumpy!
Thiswas a day of service we had just crossing rivers and walking around this forest collecting coconuts for this lady who needed to collect 200 to get enough money for her daughters school uniform.... man the people here are such unreal hard workers!
These are two pictures of me and Elder Alonzo on a cool shipping dock we found in Rabi! Its pretty cool because Rabi is an alright sized island and we have officially walked every single part of the road at one point or another! We love exploring it!
And this is another picture of blue water hahaha
So one last thing! Yesterday I got one of the best compliments I've ever gotten from a member on my mission before. So as you know on Rabi we had to learn a new language and all that good stuff so the last 4 and a half months has been tough to stay the least. Me and Elder Alonzo have put everything we have into the language and in just a little over 4 months we are feeling really comfortable in the language, not fluent but comfortable. But anyways we were having dinner with one of our member families last night. This family runs the store in the middle of the town we live in, so since everyone buys food from them they also talk to and know everyone in the village. But anyways the lady who runs the shop told us that everyone in our village has been coming up and asking her how the Elders from her church know Gilbertese so well. People have been saying that they can obviously tell we aren't Gilbertese, but yet we know Gilbertese really well. Man it was the coolest compliment in the world. We just have so much fun with the language and speak to everyone all the time even if we know we say things wrong. We don't care! I can testify to you all that the gift of tongues is REAL. LIKE SO REAL. It has taken an Elder like me that four months ago knew nothing about this language to now being able to speak and do the lords work speaking Gilbertese. This church is true and God lives and helps us everyday. I know I am doing the right thing. Yes sometimes it is hard not having email and being out on this island all the time but God blesses us and helps us everyday, and I absolutely love it. Thanks for all your love and support! I love you all
Elder Mumford