Anyways Monday and Tuesday were way busy with district meeting and all that. Its definitely been a big learning curve how to conduct meetings and stuff but I've learned alot. Now that I'm getting the hang of things we are expecting big things out of this district for August and I'm pumped! The rest of the week was essentially preparing our 4 baptisms for their baptisms this week so I'll tell you a little about them!
Penna is an awesome guy. He is actually a leader in the village he lives in. So in Fiji there are chiefs for each village and then their are their assistants and he is one of the chiefs assistants so it's been pretty awesome to teach someone that high up. He is about 75 years old and is just such a funny old guy. He also used to be a pastor so he is way on with everything about the bible. We have been able to answer all his questions and he really has felt the spirit testify to him that this work is true! So we are excited for his baptism! We are also baptizing his 40 year old daughter Va who is great too!
Then in the other village there is one member but his wife and kid aren't members yet so we were able to get to the village and bring the sacrament to reactivate the member and also teach the lessons to his wife and kid. It's all just been such an adventure trying to go all these different villages and teach all these different people, but we love it! As for my Fijian, miracles really do happen! hahah But really I've been so blessed on my mission gift of tongues wise. Since I have been able to learn two different languages I have been able to see the gift of tongues work two different times in not even a year and its amazing! This week we took the sacrament to one of our villages. There was ten people there (Which is actually alot for this village. It was just because everyone wanted to see the white guy lol) but both me and my companion have to give a talk to make it count as a sacrament meeting. So to my surprise I started speaking and just kept speaking and gave a 5 or so minute talk in Fijian, the language I started speaking again just two weeks ago. Man I have been so blessed by my h
Heavenly Father and it's because he loves his children and wants them all to hear this amazing gospel in their own language! This work is true and I love it so much! Thanks for all your support have a great week!
Elder Mumford
Picture of the octopus
Some kids playing on a beach we found
A cool river that we may do the baptisms in this week!
Me and my companion Elder De Moors #swag
The girl in the pink is named Livia. She lives in one of the villages we proselyte in. She isn't a member or anything but she just follows me around to every house we visit in the village, and then as we are teaching she likes to sit as close to me as possible and always tries to hold my hand. Wow! She is so cute!