So this was the sickest service day of all time. Actually honestly this is what we do most service days but I figured I would give you guys a sneak peak! So Thursday morning we woke up and drove an hour to one of our villages where we were going to farm with one of our investigators named Villiame. So the only way that Fijians make a living is by farming so literally everyone owns their own farm where they grow all of their own food. I've helped alot of people before and man its some hard work, this is why Fijians are so fit. (So im trying to do it more to get fit too.) But anyways this time around we helped him plant some yams. SO before you plant anything you have to clear out the jungle so there is room to plant. SO what they do is use big machetes and literaly clean out all the bush and trees and everything, and wow its such hard work. My hands have so many blisters. But once you clear the field you plant and then wait 4 months and BOOM you've got some yams.... oh and this is me and my comp carrying firewood....
Another one of the coolest stories. So those two that I baptized last month (Nai and Lawrence) and Nais husband all moved out to this place outside of the village that you used to only be able to get to by footpath but now a logging company just cleared a little road out to it. SO we went to check it out on service day and we get there and this is what we find.... A BEAUTIFUL BEACH UNREAL so anyways on Sunday because they don't have a unit yet out there, we bring the sacrament to them so this is the picture of the first missionaries and the first time the Lord's sacrament has ever been to REWA. Man the sacrament is usually awesome, but it is even cooler with this setting. Just amazing. I love this church!